Ko Wai Mātou?
About Us

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

Te Kāinga Wāhine is a community.

A village.

A place of belonging that fosters personal and business growth, that promotes self-leadership and success.

A space for wāhine to learn and grow together, as individuals and as a collective.

We’re sharing stories, lessons, insights and inspiration in the hope of engaging and connecting indigenous women.

We’re heart-centred and focused on the good stuff!

Meet our Founder - Amy McLean

He uri ia nō Waikato me Ngāti Māhanga.

Amy is the Founder of Te Kāinga Wāhine, and an Indigenous Coach for Women.

Amy loves coaching indigenous women and whānau in start ups, and is passionate about mana motuhake, seeing whānau have ownership of their definition of success, and their life journey.

She is a life-long learner, could be in the ngahere all day long, and loves being Māmā to her two girls.

Amy’s superpowers are a calming presence, clarity through curiosity, and mastering the mindset.