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- TKW Newsletter : 🎄Meri Kirihimete for 2023🎄
TKW Newsletter : 🎄Meri Kirihimete for 2023🎄

Meri Kirihimete e hoa 👋
Wrapping up our year feels a little surreal, like we’ve been around a merry-go-round a few times in the past 12 months. But on reflection, I guess it feels a bit like that every year!
We set these goals at the beginning of the year, and we finish the year off, so much richer for the experiences, the lessons and the connections made.

Here’s a short recap on our highlights:
131 applications for our pilot business programme, on what was meant to be our “soft launch”;
10 amazing wāhine who worked with us over six months;
120+ coaching sessions to these 10 wāhine alone, and many more to those we work with privately;
12 guest speakers and industry experts joined us in programme;
24 workshop topics delivered in programme;
Launched the “newsletter” and grew our audience by 39%;
Grew a team of people committed to the kaupapa;
Finalist in the MWDI Māori Businesswomens’ Awards 2023;
Opened the doors to our new membership programme (see more below!) just in time for Christmas;
and so much more.
We’d like to say a massive thank you to YOU.
Thank you for joining our waka and paddling alongside us. We appreciate you.
We’re preparing ourselves for some down time now, to let go of the busy-ness, allowing intention, presence and creativity to flow back in so that we can dream about all the things that we’re calling in for 2024. If you ever feel like you can’t see where you’re going, pulling yourself out of the reeds to pause and breath makes all the difference.
So wherever you are in the world, Meri Kirihimete, have a wonderful time filling your cup in ways that are good for you, and we can’t wait to see you again in 2024!
Amy x
In this newsletter we’ve got:
The fire is lit : Become a Foundation Member
He tauawhi ki te koniahi - Digital storytelling with Nimbus Media
🔥 The fire is lit : Become a Foundation Member
Through our mahi this year, one thing that became really apparent was there is such a burning need for Te Kāinga Wāhine. A space that is warm and welcoming, that allows you to show up as you are, to be supported, guided, and connected.
In our minds, we see this as the fireplace of Te Kāinga Wāhine.
The place where we gather to keep warm, share stories, cook and be nourished.
Our whakaaro is still coming to life as we tend to this new flame, but one thing we know for certain, is our fire is now lit and we’d love you to join us.
Our arms are open to you and there is always space for you by our fire. As part of a Foundation Membership you will receive:
Monthly workshops - Led by Amy McLean, workshops on relevant tools, topics and whakaaro to keep you moving forward;
Monthly kōrero group sessions - build close connections within a small peer group, share knowledge, support and growth;
Arorangi coaching sessions - teaming up with an experienced business coach to kickstart your first three months of membership with momentum;
Digital Kete - our collection of resources, tools, and video recordings that you can tap into whenever you need.
Foundation Memberships are currently available at $59+GST per month, or $649+GST for the year. These rates will go up in 2024.
If you’re wondering if membership sounds right to you, drop us a reply email and we can kōrero on it. Otherwise, come and join us - we’re here for you.
🙋🏽♀️ He tauawhi ki te koniahi - Digital storytelling with Nimbus Media

Last week we were grateful to be invited to take a group of wāhine to Nimbus Media for a 2-day digital storytelling wānanga in the Waikato.
An incredibly transformative experience, this wānanga was a lesson in finding your voice, your power and your truth, and allowing it space in the world to be seen and heard.
Over the two days we unpacked what our stories were, and were then given the digital tools to bring them to life, for a screening at the end (popcorn and all!).
As Māori we are storytellers, we have stories that need to be told, and this kaupapa provides a bridge to doing so. If you have a whānau group, marae or community that could benefit from this experience, we encourage you to reach out to David and Sasha and see if he tauawhi ki te koniahi is a good fit for you.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Te Kāinga Wāhine
